Ja fa uns dies que l’escolto i avui no he pogut més que penjar-la, crec que ja ho vaig fer en un altre post, però veient com està el panorama i com respira el personal (almenys respira), no he volgut més que donar ànims als pobres animalons que els necessiten... m’ho podeu agrair com us surti d’allí...
How many times have you woken up and prayed for the rain?
How many times have you seen the papers apportion the blame?
Who gets to say, who gets the work and who gets to play?
I was always told at school, everybody should get the same
How many times have you been told, if you don't ask, you don't get?
How many liars have taken your money, your mother said you shouldn't bet?
Who has the fun, is it always the man with a gun?
Someone must have told him, if you work too hard you can sweat
There's always the sun (always the sun)
There's always the sun
Always, always (always the sun)
How many times have the weathermen told you stories that made you laugh?
I know it's not unlike the politicians and the leaders
When they do things by half
Who gets the job of pushing the knob?
That sort of responsibility you draw straws for, if you're mad enough
There's always the sun (always the sun)
There's always the sun
Always, always (always the sun)
3 comentaris:
Em sona però no la coneixia...
Una gran banda. No more heroes anymore!
Potser li ve al cap perquè surt a l'anunci del Sunnydilait (o com es diga)
Apreciada Maria, si et sona i no has fet res per coneixer-la implica que senzilament no t'ha fet el pes...
Possiblement apreciat Remitjó, tot i que jo ho deia per l'ambient enrarit després dels canvis que es van produint...
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